Possibly since secondary school, I was the one helping everybody around with any technical issues, I knew how things worked because I always stayed up-to-date with different technologies, shared them with others or just did research to find a way of using things or some of their hidden features - I loved it!
I started it all to help others to understand how to work with technologies but after spending more time on the internet I realized that I am a great fit to be a UX designer and I am here to make it easy for users to use any product!
People that know me describe me as a positive, creative, and a reliable human. I'd add that I'm curious, easy-going and persistent. I'm a problem solver who can make difficult stuff very simple (jokes aside, I was an English teacher abroad for 6 years!).
Understanding people, having empathy for the issues they face, and assisting them in finding solutions through intuitive design and intelligent engagement are my driving forces.